Friday, February 22, 2008

Taming the brat...

GSB really is. Or perhaps I am growing up ;)

Quoting one of my closest friends - "I love the way B-school is turning out to be a life changing experience"!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Forrest Gump Like moment...

So today morning, earphones in place, MSS pouring her blissful voice (Kurai Ondrum Illai) into my ecosystem, I walked out of home to meet a friend at school. I live in the 18th floor, and the elevator stops very soon on its descent to the lobby. Enter two burly men, and behind them someone very very familiar. Someone who has been, a year ago, little known in America, let alone the world. Someone who's been sweeping victories all over America in the recent few days. Someone who could potentially be Mr. First Citizen of USA in a year's time.

Mr. Barack Obama.

We exchanged greetings and knowing smiles. I was too overwhelmed, and the elevator journey too short, to talk anything.

For some strange reason i was reminded of Forrest Gump, his moments and his journey. I smiled to myself and started walking. Kurai Ondrum Illai...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Winter - Finally!!!

It supposedly feels like -30 degree C outside. The Lake is freezing right in front of my eyes, or may be not!!! This is the coolest it has got this year - and i am stuck in my room preparing for tomorrow's midterm. Once it is over, i am gonna hit the roads and suck up to the cold :D

I know - i am strange. I like, no I LOVE, the dead cold of the winter!!!

BTW - here's the view of Lake Michigan from my home.

It looks still and it definitely looks cold! What will it feel like to stand at its shores, when it is in this kind of a sullen mood??? I intend to find out soon and I'll let all you once i know ;)